01889 564086 | 01335 345120
66a, High Street, Uttoxeter, Staffs, ST14 7JD | 37-39 Compton, Ashbourne DE6 1BX

Andrew Blair Johnston (Andy) January 22, 2021

Andrew Blair Johnston (Andy) of Willslock Uttoxeter Aged 53 Years passed away peacefully in the loving care of his Wife  Beloved Husband of Sarah, dear Brother to Tessa and Ross sadly missed by all his loving family and friends Funeral Service Stafford Crematorium on Tuesday 16th February 2021 at 1.30pm Family invitation only any donations for St Giles Hospice and The Uttoxeter Food Bank

Username Yano7166

Password 597429

Service Date Tuesday 16th February

Service Time 1:30pm

Service Viewing Time 1:30pm – 2:30pm

Website https://www.obitus.com/

This is the webcast log in details for anyone wishing to watch the service



  1. REPLY
    Dane & Emma Bourne says

    Many friends come into our lives but only a few leave with their footprints on our hearts and you were definitely one of them.
    You were a massive part of our lives and you will never be forgotten.
    RIP Andy.
    All our love always Danish and Emma ❤️💕xxxxx

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    Nick Radford says

    What a character!
    We know you will make as many memories up there as you have left us down here!
    God bless you – a true gentleman
    Nick & Paul
    Pet station

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      Bill and Sarah Shepperson says

      We have such wonderful memories of time spent with Andy. A truly generous, funny, kind soul with a big heart!
      He’ll be missed by so many.
      RIP dear friend ❤️
      Bill and Sarah xx

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        Simon Baker says

        Andy, I always looked forward to seeing you no matter where we were or what we were doing because I always knew it would be good fun!! This goes all the way back to when you used to baby sit us as kids, summer holidays, winter holidays, weekends at your various houses, card nights at your parents house here in Misterton and ofcourse our nights out and about!
        Through all your bravado you were a very caring and generous person which showed when you would dress my fresh stitches for me on holiday.
        So I’d like to say thank you for all the memories, life was a blast with you in it and feel privileged and lucky to have spent so many years enjoying your company!!
        Rest in peace old friend!!!

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      Jack McCready says

      Andy you really were one of life’s gentlemen. I didn’t know you very well and we usually met at various trade shows but I always remember when we approached each other you had a huge smile on your face and you greeted me with genuine warmth. As I know too well it seems that the good die young. Sarah going forward just remember all the good times. I’m sure with Andy there were plenty.

  3. REPLY
    Colin & Jill Pottle says

    They broke the mould when they made Andy, that’s for sure. He was truly unique! It was a privilege to have known him and have him share just a small part of our lives. The golf courses will be very quiet without him. Life for us all definitely won’t be the same without Andy as a part of it. RIP ABJ lots of love from Colin and Jill

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      russell holmes says

      The way Andy cared about other people and for a man that has done well in life to still find time to care about people needing food banks just shows what he was about. 1st met him on a stapleford trip to Cologne with 70 lads he didn’t know but his gentle, fun loving character made him an instant friend to everyone. He worked tirelessly on Eddie & Emmas wedding day to make sure they had a fantastic day. So so sad, wished I had known him much earlier.

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      Georgina McCann says

      Going to miss you so much ABJ, still can’t believe I’ll never see you again. Wherever you went you would always put a smile on everyone’s face who you met. You were one of a kind and the world is a darker place without you in it. Our family all loved you so much. Rest in peace you wonderful man, you’ll be in our memories forever. Love always, Georg xxx

  4. REPLY
    Scott Perry says

    Always kind, warm generous and great company, truly one of the good guys. Andy you’ll be missed by us all.

  5. REPLY
    Andrew Cohen says

    Not really sure where to start, mine and Andy`s was a love hate relationship, I loved him he hated me
    No seriously I have never known anyone with a drive and passion to win in whatever Andy done, he wanted to and would win, 24 years we worked together and I must say he drove me nuts at times but always with the best intentions and winning and success was his intention and he achieved that throughout his life
    I know this should be about Andy and his life but despite all his success his biggest win was meeting Sarah who cared for Andy in a way only few could dream of, well done Sarah xx

    lastly At Den Marketing a company that Andy contributed so much too and sadly he can never be replaced, to replace his drive his passion and of course his knowledge will be impossible but in his honour we promise to do our best

    I will miss you Andy more than you will ever know RIP you northern twat xxxxxxxxx

  6. REPLY
    Andy & Claire says

    What a bloke! Unique, a true gent with a heart of gold. You’ll be sadly missed by us all mate, see you again one day my friend

  7. REPLY
    Dolittles Ltd says

    To us at Dolittles Andy was known as Bossman.
    Andy was full of life, cheeky and always up for a bit of banter.
    Andy will be missed by all of us. RIP Bossman.
    Our thoughts are with Sarah + Family
    Everyone at Dolittles xx

  8. REPLY
    Dan & Anna Hutton says

    Andy… a kind, witty and generous friend and godparent.

    You have given us some amazing memories over the last decade, and have taught us more than you will ever know.

    The world has lost a remarkable man. We love you and miss you already,

    Dan, Anna and Jack

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    Fiona says

    Tessa and family. So very sorry for the loss of your dear Brother Andrew. Our thoughts are with you all at this devastating time. Big hugs Fiona & family x

  10. REPLY
    Andy MacNaughton says

    AJ – Legend – Always a smile, full of stories and always made me laugh – Never forgotten buddy – Hugs to all of his family x

  11. REPLY
    Will McCann says

    I, we, everyone that has ever known you will miss you so dearly Andy. Words cannot describe the injustice here. You were like a member of our family; wound my dad up like a younger brother (to much of my joy), got me into reluctantly drinking Pedigree and Guinness at 17 in the Cavendish and never ceased to entertain with your humour and candour, whilst being a man of pure humility.

    Thank you for all of your guidance and the memories will stay with me forever. Love to Sarah and all of your family.

    Love always.

  12. REPLY
    Kelly & Tony Brooks says

    We didn’t know Andy for that long, but the times we had together(Gypsy kings) can never be forgotten. Such a funny, witty, & generous man. Always remembered
    Condolences to his family
    RIP Andy xx

  13. REPLY
    James Hollis says

    Mate…. someone told me once that it’s not what you gather in life, but what you scatter…. it is so true with you. 25 years my friend, 22 as my boss. You’ll never comprehend what I learned from you, but I figured I I I may as well be taught by the best. And you were. Wherever you are now, try not to cause any trouble! God bless you pal, I’ll never forget you! X

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      Gerard O'Neill says

      I met Andy through my friend Dane. Andy was a great friend to Dane. He did a fantastic job arranging his stag nights both home and abroad and then his generosity, attention to detail and the support for the wedding of Dane and Emma was way beyond the call of duty.
      Bright, intelligent and with a sharp wit, the legacy he created will live on. Our hearts and thoughts go to Sarah and all his family and friends.
      Love and best wishes, Karen and Gez

  14. REPLY
    Ann and Colin Lane says

    Andy…A very dearly loved son-in-law, who made our dear daughter Sarah very happy. He had a witty sense of humour and a good, kind heart, always there when you needed him. He loved a ‘project’ which he carried out meticulously. He will be very sadly missed by so many. Rest in peace Andy you will never be forgotten.
    Ann and Colin Lane

  15. REPLY
    Tony & Helen Curry says

    I worked with Andy at Den Marketing for three years and kept in contact after I left.
    We had our ups and downs, fights and arguments which invariably he won, because as we all know there’s only one way and that is Andys way. But through it all there was always respect and when it came down to it, he had a heart of gold and was always there if you needed him.
    I will miss you big fella, until we meet again.
    Tony & Helen Curry

  16. REPLY
    Richard Noyes says

    There are no words, that can be said, which could ever make up for such sadness. After only knowing Andy for a few years and meeting through a ski holiday he arranged, kindly involving Sarah and me. Instantly we felt like we had known him for years, his passion, zest, humour and outlook were legendary. Richard and Sarah Noyes

  17. REPLY
    Rick Watkin says

    I had the pleasure of being good friends, growing up with Andy from a young age.
    In our late teens and our 20s we also spent several years working and living together on the sunny Algarve.
    Although our lives drifted apart in later years I will never forget the many many great times.
    Rest in peace old friend.
    Love always Rick and Wendy

  18. REPLY
    Miriam Bruton says

    Where to even start…Andy was like an uncle to my family He started as a neighbour and soon a member of the family who would show up any time, raid our cupboards and wind us all up relentlessly. He was such a kind, funny and brilliant man who always had a project up his sleeve.

    Although we had been apart in recent years due to relocating and my siblings and I flying the nest, catching up with Andy and Sarah lately felt as if no time had gone at all.

    Andy was a man that touched a lot of people’s hearts and I’m sure inspired so many people. Like everyone else, my family and I feel so lucky to have had Andy in our lives.

    You’ll never to be forgotten ol’ friend and until we meet again.

    Miriam xxx

  19. REPLY
    Darren Brown says

    You were a big part of my life
    We had a long memorable and fantastic journey together almost 30 YEARS
    Nobody could ever match you in drive and ambition
    There are not enough words to say what a man you was
    You are the bravest man I knew
    You was kind and warm and full of life
    You will always be in my heart I will never forget you
    You was my friend and business partner and I loved you
    My thoughts and prayers and love go out to Sarah and all the family
    You will be dearly missed but never to be forgotten
    God bless you
    Darren and family xxx

  20. REPLY
    Mark Hoskins says

    “Unforgettable”, as a character, as a friend and now as a memory. Without doubt Andy could change the temperature of a room with a simple glance or one liner that would leave you all wondering if he had just said, what he said…often what we were all thinking! I was lucky enough to spend time with him across the world along with Sarah and every memory is one that starts with a smile, just reminiscing starts with with me saying, “do you remember when Andy said…..”
    Not forgetting Sarah, your strength over the last year even left the big man speechless.
    Rest in peace mate X.

  21. REPLY
    Gary Abbott says

    I drifted in and out of contact with Andy over a number of years. Usually trying to sell him something , which invariably left me pants down , singing soprano ! He was tough but fair and tbh I loved the banter we had..I will miss that ! We are all moving down the bus of life and without doubt Andy got off way to many stops too early ! He will be sadly missed .thoughts and sympathy to Sarah, family and all at Dolittles , cherish the memories
    Gary Abbott

  22. REPLY
    Marion Horscroft says

    I remember Andy for his humour, his enthusiasm and hard work bur, most of all, how he and Sarah were clearly made for each other. His loss is so, so sad and my heart goes out to Sarah and all his family and friends.
    RIP Andy

  23. REPLY
    Lucy Bruton says

    No matter what mood you were in, Andy could crack it. Whether it was with whip sharp wit, silliness or calling out your own silliness; his giant mega-watt smiles and booming laugh never failed. Andy showed me the value of working hard and making sure you had fun along the way.
    He always had time for others, always ready to help. If like me, you’d stained his favourite shirt during a strawberry fight or interrupted a romantic evening, he would quickly start (or join) the laughter, forgive you and stain your clothes right back. His boundless energy and enthusiasm for enjoying life was infectious. Andy loved hard and our family was delighted to meet the love of his life, Sarah.
    You left us far too soon Andy. Rest in peace dear friend.
    Lots of love to Sarah and all the Johnstons

  24. REPLY
    Mark Hutchinson says

    No matter the Country, the Trade Exhibition or the Big nights out learning that Andy J would be there ensured there would be banter and beer. Andy had wit, warmth and integrity in buckets and was taken way too soon. Heartfelt condolensces to Sarah from your friends across the Irish Sea. x

  25. REPLY
    Lin hui says

    I knew Andy 17 years ago , and our relationship grew up gradually, from the friend to the brother. Every times we worked together, he always impressed me by his passion, profession & humour . I learned a lots from him, and there were lots of nice memories.
    I do believe there must be some reasons that some people could meet and become very good close friends & brothers, through the massive crowd, no matter where they are on this planet. Maybe something called predestined relationship.
    Andy , you always the absolutely unique one for us, and the words couldn’t simply describe my emotions. You will be always in my heart.
    My thoughts and and loves go out to Sarah and all the family.
    RIP Andy

  26. REPLY
    John and elle says

    I had a connection with Andy and that connection shall never pass! Our love and thoughts are with Sarah and family xx

  27. REPLY
    Jim Weston says

    Truly one of the good guys.So sad that he was taken so young when he had so much more fun and energy to bring to the world.A man of great humour but with a big, kind heart .He has left us all with wonderful memories .
    Rest in peace Andy.
    With love to Sarah and all his family and friends x

  28. REPLY
    Gavin Lo says

    Andy we met you every year and we always enjoy to chat with you. You are humour, cheerful, serious and hard working. We have up and down and we thank you you for all the memories. Andy you’ll be missed by us all.

  29. REPLY
    Jean & Karen says

    We met as neighbours but quickly became best friends. We have never known such a kind and generous man. It was a privilege to have shared the last few years, you will always be remembered and cherished forever.

  30. REPLY
    sharon Whitley says

    Well they say only the good die young, this is so true, I have missed our funny catch ups and your ability to sell me anything crap that was a £1… only good quality tat though! You could sell sand to the arabs and ice lollys to the Eskimos, so Halo’s to the Angels will be a doddle 😇 you got this! Sending healing prayers for your familys broken hearts… love from all of us at Nautilus Aquatics xxx

  31. REPLY

    Hi Andy,
    I cannot still accept to think that you left us so early.
    Working with you was a constant challange always with friendly mood and often with some words jokes.
    I shall miss you not only as customer but also for the occasions we had to speak about other things.
    I offer my sincere condolences to the family who will surely suffer the most.
    I shall pray for all of you!
    love from Ileana and IMAC team X0X0X0

  32. REPLY
    Yuri says

    I interviewed Andy for his first job in the pet industry at Hagen , yes it was me who unleashed Andy onto the pet trade , they didn’t know what hit them . We became great friends . Then we both left Hagen and went our different ways , then Andy became a customer of mine , he helped me anyway he could , always there to help me build a new company . I guess a bit like in Toy Story we all wanted to be Andy’s favorite toy , a competition thankfully Sarah won . I cant believe he’s gone . Take Care Sarah . Peace and Love , Yuri

  33. REPLY
    Stuart & Sian Brooks says

    Andy, you always respected straight talking so here you go…..a great smile……cheeky chappy…..so much fun……heart of gold…..endless banter…..memory maker! You will leave a hole in all of our lives. Til we meet again…….Stuart & Sian x

  34. REPLY
    Massimo and Elena says

    HI Andy ,
    You will be missed big time over here.
    Till next time.
    Massimo and Elena

  35. REPLY
    Simon vassallo says

    Not sure what to say, what a fella to know. Just thrived on pressure and full of banter you will be truely missed. God bless you mate 🙏

  36. REPLY
    Karen Cooper says

    What can we say about Andy once met never forgotten a truly hard working succesful man, who lived life to the full and always had a smile and banter, lit up a room.Many many memories we all have shared. He coud sell snow to the Eskimos!. You will be missed by so many people , the pet trade will not be the same without you ..sending heart felt love and sympathy to Sarah & all Andys family. we will celebrate your life. RIP Andy.

  37. REPLY
    Sarah says

    I still cannot believe that you are no longer here with me, that you are not going to come into a room with your big smile, telling me what you have done or what you are going to do, or reminding me about what I still have to do…. But everywhere I look, you are still here, you are all around and you have left your mark on our beautiful home – whenever I am up the fields, I think of you on your digger, “ditching”- you just loved it!
    I’ll always love you, part of me is you, my loving husband, my soul mate and my best friend. You were taken away from me, from all of us, too soon, we had so much more that we wanted to do, so much to live for, but we will be together again, so keep an eye on me, so that you recognise me when I arrive at the gates and we can walk in heavens fields, with our doggies, together again….xxxxx

  38. REPLY
    The Bruton family says

    We first met Andy as a youthful high-flying sales executive in 1990. He had just moved next door and Sinead was soon taking in deliveries for him. It wasn’t long before he had become a member of our family. His big smile and personality and the warm and resonant West Country accent. The familiar cries of “Andy, Andy” would herald the entry of a whirlwind into our house. Dime bars and Chocolate oranges were strategic weapons helping him to work his magic.
    His boundless energy was often boosted if he lapsed from his strict diet. There wasn’t a skill he couldn’t learn and perform to the highest of standards.
    Andy was a true friend, generous not only with his produce, and skills but also with a listening ear and genuine concern for the less fortunate. He could lift almost anyone’s spirits and challenge the pessimist.
    Andy has left his unique indelible influence on our lives we will always remember him, what he said and did and the happiness he brought to our lives and those of countless others. Many of us will never achieve a fraction of his achievements in his all too short life. Thank you, Andy, for everything.
    Sarah and all the Johnstons you are always in our thoughts and prayers and we look forward to seeing you again when possible.
    Rest in peace, truest of friends, Uncle and Brother.

    Sinead, John, Lucy, Dominic, Julian, and Miriam.

  39. REPLY
    The Hollings Family says

    Andy was a lovely man who we had the pleasure of working with over many years.
    Sarah sorry for your loss
    Rest in peace Andy xx

  40. REPLY
    Melanie Heath says

    My fondest memories of Andy were of him mooching around outside in his paddington bear PJ’s with a big smile .
    Will miss you. Rest in peace Andy.

    Melanie and Colin.

  41. REPLY
    Julian Bruton says

    What can I say, Andy was truly one of a kind. A man with a genuine lust for life!

    Hilarious, kind, caring, generous, hardworking – the list goes on – all combined with such incredible energy and heart.

    Growing up, Andy was such a inspirational figure. His influence has stayed with me and will continue to do so.

    You will be missed.

    Rest in peace.

    Sending much love to Sarah and the family.

  42. REPLY
    Andrew Poyser says

    Andy Johnston, The Boss!
    Met six or seven years ago when a group of lads would go out together for some food and a beer or two. Andy soon became the front man who would make sure the next venue was booked and all the lads were included, not taking no for an answer.
    This was the start of an unbelievable friendship where Andy worked miracles in a way only Andy could.
    He was my mentor and my adopted big brother, I don’t expect to meet anyone to match him and will miss him for the rest of my days.
    Lots of love and hugs to Sarah

  43. REPLY
    Karen Poyser says

    The light has gone out on a Brave Hero.
    You have battled so hard to stay with the love of your life.
    Andy was a remarkable man and the kindest person to have crossed our path.
    You have given my hubby skills that has made him a stronger man today.
    Trips away was so stress free because you made everything happen like clockwork with paperwork passports locations so many memories we have shared on different occasions.
    You always had a big welcome with a smile and a massive hug,
    We have heavy hearts at having to say goodbye to our brave hero Andy
    Karen xx

  44. REPLY
    Steve noakes says

    I first met with Andy back in 2012 from a professional introduction to look into his pensions
    We became friends as well as his Financial Adviser and I always looked forward to our meetings
    A true gent and very likeable character
    He will be sadly missed
    Love to his family at this sad time 💔💔

  45. REPLY
    Dominic Bruton says

    Whenever I heard the roar of Andy’s car or his booming voice coming through the door I knew you I as about to have a good time. Andy brought so much joy to my childhood, despite having many projects on the go he always made time for you and his hard work and infectious energy will always be an inspiration to me.
    It’s sad that we won’t be able share more memories with you but the ones I have will last a lifetime.

    Rest in peace Andy

    All my love to Sarah and the Johnstons

  46. REPLY
    Sarah Bingham says

    I was honoured to be able to call Andy my friend and I will miss him greatly.
    My love to Sarah and the family

  47. REPLY
    Andy Fairhurst says

    Andy was one of life’s real characters, full of life and always had a story to tell!
    He filled a room with laughter and a big smile, always had time for you and was fun to be around. One of life’s good guy’s taken to early.
    I will really miss bumping into Andy on my travels.
    Love and best wishes to Sarah and family x

  48. REPLY
    Martin, Claire and Jessica xx says

    What a fantastic man taken far too soon. We will miss you beaming smile, quick wit and amazing sense of humour. You maybe gone but you most definitely will never be forgotten! Until we can meet and have a beer again. Lots of love to your family and to Sarah xx

  49. REPLY
    Robin Grant says

    I only found out a few days ago of the passing of Andy. I am not only shocked but saddened to my core. Andy was my former friend, colleague and someone I always held in high regard and affection. We both joined the pet trade at the same time when we started at Hagen and ‘grew up’ in it together. Andy was a larger than life character, with such charm and wit.
    His smile was infectious. Always immensely funny, a fantastic salesman and business man, but more importantly, a lovely person with a big heart. He will be sorely missed. So sorry for your loss Sarah. My thoughts and prayers are with you x

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